Associazione Culturale
D.G.M.A. |
Silenzio Musica Competition 2008: the first edition winners! |
2° premio
3th prize
Per un bambino che s’addormenta, soprano e pianoforte, di Paolo Romano |
Reports on merit with a proposal for publication:
Ninna-nanna, soprano and piano, di Paolo Gazzano
Sognando Chopin, piano, di Aurelio Pianciola |
Carlo Fiore, President
Gianfranco Rosini, Honorary member
Delilah Gutman, composer and pianist
Maria Luisa Balza, composer andpianist
Laura Catrani, soprano
On Friday, August 29, at 9.00 pm, within Silenzio Musica Festival, during the evening "Prima dei Sogni" at the Teatro Malatesta in Montefiore Conca, the first and third classifieds were awarded by D.G.M.A:
-1° classified, with a work of art by the international Master Mario Schifano (Art Gallery Rosini);
-2° classified, unassigned;
-3° classified, with a work of art by Cracking Art (Art Gallery Rosini).
Images zoom is available in the archives |
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