Associazione Culturale
D.G.M.A. |
Silenzio Musica Competition 2010 |
III Edition |
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Announcement - Rules - Application Form:

Announcement, rules and application form
The Cultural Association D.G.M.A., under the Patronage of the Countdown 2010, the Regione Emilia Romagna, the Provincia of Rimini and the Town of Montefiore Conca - Rn - the participation of the Galleria Rosini and the Cultural Association M.A.R.E., announces the third Silenzio Musica Composer Competition within the Music Festival III Silenzio Musica 2010.
When Man aims for Truth and educates his thought and his deed to it, Truth becomes a universal moving human value.
Art, Poetry and Music could be the original starting point in the search for Truth and give the language back to its sense and capacity of a free authentic language.
Art, Poetry and Music are human expressions that should always be free from pre-existing dated entrenched human prefabricated crystallized patterns and mental structures.
Silenzio Musica Competition Board invites the participants to listen to their own experience of Life and express it with a Lullaby or a Danza, both of them among the first and the most natural musical forms life has given us.
The choice of these musical forms is to promote and diffuse the following values:
- Musical Value: traditionally, the repertoire of the Lullabies has inspired classic compositions of marvellous vocal pieces like the Wiegenlieder, Berceuses, Lullabies as evinced by the works of masters like: W.A.Mozart, F.Chopin, J.Brahms, R.Schumann, F.Schubert, G.Bizet, E.Grieg, G.Faurè, C.Gounod, P.Tchaikowsky, M.Ravel e C.Debussy.
- Poetic and Artistic Values: the musical idea of the Lullaby has inspired poets and artists as well: V.Van Gogh, M.Giacomelli, M.Salmon, G.Pascoli, W.H.Auden, A.G.Lorca.
- Didactic Value: the Lullaby is the first and the most natural musical form by which the human being is introduced to the music and to the rhythm of life since the time of pregnancy. It is the first musical memory of a new life and it is the first and fundamental instrument in the education of Man.
- Social Value: the popular repertoire has always been inspired by the melodies of the classic repertoire, and vice versa. In this way the classical and the popular repertoire have been diffused among the large public. The form of it is one of the invisible links which unify crosswise the different social classes and realities. |
Rules and Application |
The competition is open to all composers and musicians of all nationalities, without any age limits.
Sections and Instrumentation
1 – Unique Section: Composition of a Lullaby. The composer may choose from the following instrumentations: Soprano Solo; Soprano solo and electronics on CD.
2 - The copy of the original lyrics must be attached to the score; a translation of the text into Italian or English is also required.
3 – The applicants shall submit together with the score an instrumental recording or a sound simulation from a computer on digital support ( the voice can be substituted by an instrumental sound track) .
The duration of the submitted pieces shall be not less than 3 (three) minutes and no more than 7 (seven) minutes.
D.G.M.A., Galleria Rosini and M.A.R.E. will award, for each section the first, second and third classified with artworks by international artists .
The pieces of the classified composers will be performed during the evening of one of the Silenzio Musica Festival concerts and in the next 2011 Silenzio Musica Festival.
D.G.M.A. is presently making an effort to provide also the possibility for more scholarship awards for the selected participants. The results of the effort will be communicated at the www.dgma.it website before Auguste 10, 2010
The classified compositions will be published by the Wicky Music Publisher.
The classified composers will receive the prizes and the award diplomas from D.G.M.A during one the evening concert at theTeatro Malatesta of Montefiore Conca, during the festival from August 21 to 30, 2010. All the performances of Silenzio Musica 2010 will be recorded.
The deadline for the participating works to be sent to D.G.M.A. is Thursday 06/08/2010 (date as postmark).
The Jury
1 -The Jury will select, for each section, three pieces by the reading, the listening and the comparing of the scores. The selected pieces will be performed during the final concert.
2 - The decisions of the Jury are final. The jury may decide not to assign any awards.
3 - The names of the members of the Jury will be published on the www.dgma.it website.
4 – The Composers and musicians who classify will be notified by telephone and e-mail. Their names will be published on www.dgma.it website by August 21, 2010. Any change to the program will be communicated through the www.dgma.it website.
Documents to be sent with the application:
1 – Seven copies of the score clearly legible – and seven copies of the electronics part when chosen from section B – on which it must be reported the title and the year of composition, a motto or pseudonym (no reference that might allow the identification of the author is permitted) and the indication of the length of the work. Enclosed seven copies of the CD instrumental recording or a sound simulation from a computer on digital support .
2 - A sealed envelope, on which must be reported the same motto or pseudonym chosen for the score, this envelope must enclose:
a) the application form completed and signed in all its parts.
b)Forename and last name.
c) Place and date of birth.
d) A brief curriculum vitae and two recent pictures signed on the back.
e) Title of the piece, the date of composition and a signed declaration that the composition is unpublished.
f) Composer statement, section, instrumentation and duration.
i) Postal address, telephone (and fax) number and e-mail address.
3 - A copy of the payment of the entry fee (a copy of the receipt from the bank).
The package must be sent to: a) Postal address- Associazione Culturale D.G.M.A., Delilah Gutman - Via Ippolito Nievo 11, 47838 Riccione (Rn) – Italia; b) E-mail - info@dgma.it (document at 1 and 3, with attachments in PDF or JPG).
Entry fee
1 - The entry fee is € 40,00 (fourty Euros). A deduction of 35% on the entry fee is applied for those composers and musicians who are still attending courses at Conservatory or University.
3 - BANK DATA, "Ass.Cult.D.G.M.A.":
a) Bank transfer from Italy, Coord.BBAN: N 06285 24120 CC0208000370
b) Bank transfer from Abroad, BIC SWIFT CRRNIT2R Coord.IBAN: IT85 N062 8524 120C C020 8000 370.
1 - The submitted Compositions must have not been previously published and performed in public and must not have won any other competition.
2 - Each applicant may submit one work for each section and up to 3 works.
3 - The title of the piece, and the motto or pseudonym, must be written on the cover of the score.
4 - The score must be clearly photocopied in black & white, or written in black ink, or printed out from computer (where an appropriate notation software is used).
5 - The applicant must keep the original copy of the submitted piece and forward seven copies.
6 - The materials submitted will not be returned.
7 - The composer must supply the parts of the score.
8 - The entry fee will not be reimbursed. Exception is made if the Competition 2010 is suspended by an official communication of D.G.M.A.
9 - The registration to Silenzio Musica Competition includes the acceptance of this regulation. Any claim must refer to the text in Italian. Place of jurisdiction is Foro of Rimini - Italia.
Cession of rights
By participating in Silenzio Musica Competition the selected composers cede the following rights free of charges to D.G.M.A.: a) the performance right for the world premiere of the winning work within the framework of the Silenzio Musica Festival 2010; b) the right to communicate to the public all the performances of the winning works by television or radio or any other means, including broadcasts on the Internet, cable networks, staellite, terrestrial or other broadcasting, live or pre-recorded, in Italy or abroad.
b) the right to record, reproduce and arrange for the reproduction of all performances of the Festival on record CD, CD-ROM/CDI,DVD or any other existing or future medium. |
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